Welcome to my site, I use it as a bin to hold things I jot down. Well that was the original idea. It is still in the early stages of development so should be improving all the time, but please bear with me where it is incomplete or buggy.
Written on Sun, Jan 14th, 2007 at 7:44 pm UTC by Read full article...
Written on Fri, May 19th, 2006 at 10:43 am UTC by Read full article...
11:43 am UTC: I have ordered Joking Apart, the most underrated TV programme of all time which is finally available on DVD.
11:26 am UTC: Later I will be watching one of my all time favourite TV programmes. As of today Picket Fences will be airing on Hallmark every weekday at noon and 7pm.
4:10 am UTC: I am still awake. No idea how or why, though.
9:24 pm UTC: Good night out, but only a few hours sleep and took me all day to get home.
The software that provides JotBin is being developed alongside the content. For more information on the state of aJotter please see the full log.
Two changes have been made moving the latest official version of aJotter to 0.04.02. An extension to the referrer logging system now allows it to include all referrals, not just those which link explicitly to an article. Meanwhile the tagging system has been replaced by a new "connexion" one; this allows any kind of items to be linked with each other. The initial application of this is in handling web links, these can now be tagged and also connected with articles, allowing for a "Related Links" panel where required.
If you have any comments or suggestions about the site then you can send them via email to comments @
The RSS 2.0 feed provides full articles while the RSS 0.91 feed offers headlines only. Further formats and options will be available soon.
JotBin is being written from Streatham, London in the UK.
Unsurprisingly, there are other websites produced in this area.
Apache , php 5.6.40, and MySQL 5.5.5-10.6.21-MariaDB running on a 'unix' server of somesort.
aJotter is at version 0.05.00 and was written by me, for me, by hand, in BBEdit. Designed and tested on an Apple PowerBook.
This site is strict XHTML 1.1 and CSS 2. RSS 0.91 and RSS 2.0 feeds are valid XML. I look at it with an outdated Jaguar version of Safari 1.03 and with Lynx 2.8.4rel1.
© 2005-7, JotBin. All rights are mine.